Mobile App Features that require the My Account page
Mobile App Features that require the My Account page for Personalization or Login
This list may be updated from time to time to include new features or changes to existing features.
- Appointment Pro
- Birthday
- Classifieds
- Club Card
- Commerce
- Community
- Contest
- Discount
- Event Pro
- In-App Messages
- Inbox
- Job
- Loyalty Card
- Padlock/Padlock Pro
- Profile
- Progressive Loyalty Card
- Push Notifications (Individual)
- QR Coupons
- Quiz
- Real Estate
- Real Time Chat
- Scratch Card
- Social Network
- Social Wall
- SmartAds
- CabRide
- Woocommerce
- XDelivery
While not all apps require the use of personalization or authentication, some apps contain many different features, some of which may require different levels of access or personalized information linked to a user profile such as loyalty rewards, coupon validation, online ordering, communication, booking appointments, acknowledgement of privacy policies, etc.
Adding the “My Account” page enables app owners to create a user login to control access to linked features within the app. The feature supports both user creation through the app as well as pass through authentication through a Facebook login. Due to changes in Apple’s guidelines, Facebook login should not be enabled unless Apple’s native login is available as a login option in the “My Account” page or Apple may not approve the app for publication. (A new Apple login update is currently in development and is expected to be available in 2021.)
The ‘My Account’ page contains a finite set of user data fields that may be enabled. For more customization, the Custom Profile feature may be used to augment app personalization.