How to Provision Admin Users to Apps in the Apptekz App Builder

In the Apptekz Mobile App Builder (Editor) we have 2 places to create users. There are App Administrators, Designers, App Owners, etc. that will create or manage the app and there are App users that download and use the app.

In this article, we are focused on creating and managing users that will have access to view, edit and manage the App configuration or data in the App Builder. App users that download the apps are managed in a separate area of the App Builder. More info on App User Management is available in another article.

Provisioning Apps to the App or Business owner is done after the app is created for the purpose of testing the app during the app build process, and then to hand the app over to the owner upon completion. Users of the Editor in the App Builder can be created before or after the Apps that they may later be provisioned or enabled to manage.

We can assign users to become ‘Designers’ that may assist in building or designing the app. These users may only require temporary access or even have access added or removed from various apps as needed, while the App owner and their designated employees, managers, or admins will require ongoing access to manage the app or data collected by the app.

Create a New User for the App Builder

From the Apptekz App Builder, Select “My Account” from the top right menu

Fill in the New User Data and Assign a Role

Now that we have created the user and assigned the role, we will now Provision the user to the App or Apps they will have access to manage.

Click the “Edit” button associated with the user account that will be provisioned

Now that we have created a user, we have a new screen that will be used to update user details or modify role assignment, as well as to provision or unassign apps to users within the Editor.

User the checkbox on either side of the app to control the user’s app access, as well as their ability to add pages to the app.

Choose the App(s) that this user should be able to see and manage in the Editor, and only allow adding pages to those that are experienced enough to understand what they are doing. Usually, adding pages is not something that App Owners or their Staff should be able to do. Designers will need this access while building apps.

Let’s ‘Provision’ or assign the App(s) to a User account

If you have questions that were left unanswered or need a custom role created to manage your apps, please open a support ticket to request the role and the specific permission requirements and user function, and we’ll work with you to clarify and update the document, modify an existing role, or create a new role as needed.

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